The Mission Hills - Panorama City - North Hills REPAIR Zone has $775,000 available for up to three proposals to be funded by the City.
Your vote will help decide which proposals are funded for the community. The winning proposals will be decided by a Ranked-Choice vote. On the Ballot, you will select three proposals you would like the City to fund, and rank them in order of preference.
The vote will be open from April 1-30, 2023. You can either vote online at any time or in person at a voting event hosted by the City, the REPAIR Zone Advisory Committee or Community Engagement Partner.
To be eligible to vote, you must be 15+ years old and live, work, study, or be the guardian of a student in the REPAIR Zone.
Voting is closed. Check back soon for the results or sign up here to be one of the first notified!
To read the proposals on the ballot, click here to download the Mission Hills - Panorama City - North Hills Voter Guide.